Warning: This blog is under the influence of the Holy Spirit. (That's actually a blessing of course. I'm just trying to be fair to the skeptics.)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Watch Your Language!

The California Legislature has passed a resolution for a cuss free week.

This story draws a "What the Spank" salute.

The absurdity of this is difficult to fathom. As if we don’t have enough to worry about, the government is going to tell us how we should speak. Yes, I know that in this case, it’s only a suggestion. Now, I do not disagree that civil discourse should be expected. But, our California legislature has too much to worry about than to get involved in this effort. Don’t we have a huge deficit to contend with among many other pressing and critical issues? I wonder how much this public awareness campaign is costing the tax payers?

Again, I sound alarm behind this type of governmental intrusion in our lives for this reason:

What is today a suggestion or an awareness campaign becomes tomorrow’s regulations.

This is the nature of unchecked government. It can not control it because it justifies its sense of importance and control. This is the nature of the governmental beast. The beast is necessary; but  we must keep it on a short leash, lean, working for us, and trained to stay out of our way. A recent CNN poll bears out this belief that our government is growing much too powerful.

Stay out of our lives! The government has no business telling us how to speak and think. My mother and father taught me what acceptable language is, and what is not. Now, anyone who knows me is aware I am not a saint in this area. I have been known to use a colorful metaphor from time to time. However, true improvement or reform is best, true, and permanent when it comes from the free will, not from coercion. And while I do not disagree with the notion of self control (cussing,) it is not the government’s role in our lives.

Click HERE for the full story.

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