Warning: This blog is under the influence of the Holy Spirit. (That's actually a blessing of course. I'm just trying to be fair to the skeptics.)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Having Fun with Duct Tape - Can you say Triboluminescence?

At first, I did not think this was for real. "Tribo what?"....But, I had to give it a try. It actually works. My light was white however. It must have something to do with the particular brand of duct tape, which was "Advo" brand duct tape in my case.  The guy in the video used "Duck" brand duct tape; his light was blue.

Don't be shy; I know you want to try it. Get a piece of duct tape, find a very dark room and rip away. Good for hours of fun and it could be better that popping bubble wrap. Well, maybe not.

The following is a quote I lifted from the You Tube page that describes the phenomenon known as triboluminescence.

"Separating pieces of duct tape will cause them to produce a blue line of light in an effect called triboluminescence. What's happening is that the action of pulling apart the glue causes charge separation in the two strips. The charges then attempt to recombine and collide with nearby molecules (of tape, glue, or air) exciting them and releasing light."

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