Warning: This blog is under the influence of the Holy Spirit. (That's actually a blessing of course. I'm just trying to be fair to the skeptics.)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

We Are The Obama Nation

The teachings of Thomas Aquinas tell us that all men are created equal with regard to their God given right to be free. That is, we have the right to live freely; free to seek what is good for us. We are even free to turn away from God.
However, he also notes that men are NOT equal with regard to their God given talents. Those talents vary from person to person; they are what make us individuals. Our talents are what we use to pursue what is good in our own unique way (hopefully in alignment with God’s will.) If we are tracking with God’s notion of the good, then this means serving others too in way that is concomitant with our talents.

Our nation’s founders knew this.  Our current President, Barack Hussein Obama does not.  Actually, I think he does. He just wants to turn his back on it for his own vision.
In his article, Obama’s Declaration of Collectivism, Larry Kudlow makes this distinction clear. We are not intended to be equal in terms of results, only in opportunity.

Obama’s notion of America is the absolute opposite of what our founders had in mind. I would also argue he runs in a direction that is counter to our nature as created by God.
I fear that we, as a nation, have made that Tytlerian turn from the Republic once known as the United States of America to the "Collective States of America." It will be a place where we will add our uniqueness to the collective.

And where eventually, resistance will be futile.

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