Warning: This blog is under the influence of the Holy Spirit. (That's actually a blessing of course. I'm just trying to be fair to the skeptics.)

What is "What The Spank" Anyway?

What The Spank! (WTS)
From time to time, I offer a particular story a “What The Spank” salute. These stories often leave you scratching your head in bewilderment and throwing up your hands in hopeless confusion wondering whether to take up gardening or go sailing. This disorientation is why these stories are worthy of the head shaking-two handed WTS. The source of this disorientation is evidence of a society or institution adrift without morality and/or sound reasoning.

I find these stories fascinating because of their sheer lack of common sense and amoral outcomes; are they the product of a radical empiricism run amok? In some cases, they may be. In others, they are the consequences of moral relativism and secular humanism.

Of course, the term, “What The Spank” is a taboo euphemism. What’s more, I can not take credit for it. I first heard the term uttered from an old friend, Jack Cox. Jack and I served together as police officers. I was his Field Training Officer and he was one of the best men I ever trained for the job. Jack never swore, ever! He was a very witty, funny and caring man, a man of solid character. I stole the term, “What The Spank” from Jack and he knew it too. I think he would approve of my use of it in this blog. Jack died in 1993 of bone cancer.

R.I.P. Jack