Warning: This blog is under the influence of the Holy Spirit. (That's actually a blessing of course. I'm just trying to be fair to the skeptics.)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Coming Soon - The B.A.R.T. Files

Having started a new job in San Francisco, I am now riding B.A.R.T. daily. Because my work schedule varies, I ride at all hours of operation, first trains to last on some days.
The posts I designate as “The B.A.R.T. Files” are my experiences with the bizarre, the humorous, the sad, and most of all…hope.
I hope anyway.
Not every day reveals the kind of stories I post here. Some days are just routine. But, then, quite unexpectedly, something weird happens.
I struggle with my natural tendency, which is that of a careful observer of the world. Shy to get involved unless it’s related to my profession, past and present, I sit curiously watching, taking note, evaluating, and contemplating.
There is much to see on BART, depravity of many degrees, mental illness, loneliness, brokenness, selfishness, joy, sorrow, and many people just going to and from work, going about their lives so to speak. I am certain that I am all of the above to one degree or another.
The struggle continues nevertheless. I wonder if my natural tendency is just laziness. I want to help people in some cases, listen or speak with them at least.
In other cases, I recoil in resentment, annoyed and driven by cynical arrogance. I know that’s not good either, no different than being lazy.
But, making contact is fraught with many hazards, real and imagined.  Ah, the balance between cowardice and courage, between prudence and foolhardiness.
What to do? That’s what this is about too.
I look for the messages; listen for the hints, and whispers.
Thus, I share these stories with the reader (even though my Blog has no readers, ha ha.) It’s a kind of experiment in one sense. I want to see what happens if I get involved with strangers doing very strange and dark things.
Or, not!  Maybe in certain cases, things are left well enough alone. I don’t know.
I wish I did. Maybe you can tell me.
I’m sure I’ll fumble and bumble about quite nicely. That ought to be a good laugh anyway. Therefore, this little experiment won’t be a total waste of cyberspace.

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