Speaking Out on the First Amendment Issues…well sort of, Sean Penn believes journalists who call Hugo Chavez a "dictator" should be jailed.
This guy never ceases to surprise me with the level of intellectual dishonesty that his own ego will take him to. Put in jail, really? The incarceration statement erupted during an active week of interviews where he parlayed his powerful influence and asserted his own constitutionally protected right to speak his mind. But he had more to say about those who disagree with him and he used his constitutionally protected rights to express his own heart-felt sentiment. When he was solicited for a response on the fact that some people question his motivations in his Haitian humanitarian efforts, he cut loose with a curse of sorts. Here is a quote from him on his response to those who question his motives,
"Do I hope that those people die screaming of rectal cancer? Yeah. You know, but I'm not going to spend a lot of energy on it."
Thank God he is not going to spend any energy on wishing some of us rectal cancer. Whew, I feel so relieved. Still, it’s the thought that counts as they say. Wishing those who disagree with him a painful death? He considers himself a great humanitarian? Well, I pray that when his time comes (as it will for all of us) that he passes on peacefully and at a time when God chooses.
There was a time in my life that I really liked Sean Penn. Unfortunately he has turned into such a wing nut that I can only now feel pity for this man. I pray that he one day finds some level of balance and that he learns to leave his ego on the mantle with the rest of his acting achievements where it belongs. Maybe when he is able to achieve that, he will be a great humanitarian. God Bless.
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