Warning: This blog is under the influence of the Holy Spirit. (That's actually a blessing of course. I'm just trying to be fair to the skeptics.)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Season of Change

We are visiting my mother-in-law for her birthday. My daughter asks me all morning for a trip to the park. Curiously, I am interested in the park this day; I am compelled to get some fresh air, to see…to see the sky, the trees, and the clouds, to smell the day. The seemingly bleak autumn morning beckons me like an old friend from long ago…“let’s go out and play!” I think, perhaps, I might create some cool images of her playing. I gather my camera and a second lens. My daughter changes her clothes …twice.

Monday, June 7, 2010

On Seeing Moon Shine

This short poem was inspired by a liminal moment experienced while driving home after midnight on May 27, 2010. I struggled for several days trying to get it to make sense for me; that is, to make the words express what I felt and saw that night. On the 30th I heard from the book of Proverbs (8:22) and the whole thing suddenly came into specific relief. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. Most of all though, I hope it reaches you with the vision I experienced that night. And, that these words give you reason to pause and reflect. Blessings.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pelosi Gives the Word

Did you know that Nancy Pelosi practices her public policy consistent with her faith? I didn’t, until now. According to this article, the Speaker of the House’s favorite word is “The Word” made flesh, aka Jesus Christ.

I can not believe that so many Americans fall for this kind of dishonestly. Too many of us actually believe these lies. I also believe that many people know it to be totally dishonest and corrupt but will not turn from it because they have too much ego invested in it.

Does anybody else find this to just plain bizarre.

Click HERE for the full story

Monday, May 24, 2010

UK Man Not Charged in Assisted Suicide Death of His Wife

Western Culture is built upon compassion and respect for life, among other good things. This article is evidence of how that is all slipping away and there will be consequences if we do not deal with this. Excerpts from the article:

Prosecutor: “It was also clear that Mr. Bateman was wholly motivated by compassion.”

“We are becoming a society where the assessment of your quality of life hinges on what you can do, rather than respect for life itself.” – Mike Judge of the Christian Institute.

Click HERE for the story.

Pure Form Of Heroin Hitting Our Streets = Deaths

We have seen this before. Drug suppliers are letting a very pure form of heroin slip into the supply resulting in many overdose deaths. In my experience, this is sometimes the result of some Machiavellian scheme between drug lords or even nations in conflict. The result is that innocent people are killed. It is true that the victims are themselves committing a crime. However, their crime is one of self indulgence. It is true that they often resort to other crimes to finance their habit but they are still victims of murder. The intention behind letting the purer form of this illegal substance out is to produce deaths.

We should pray that those who are responsible for this act of murder are brought to justice and for an end to this madness. Then pray for those who are slaves to addiction may find help and salvation.

Click HERE for the story.

South Korea On Alert

It looks like North Korea actually did torpedo that South Korean ship last month. I can not imagine what the North Koreans are thinking. Now things are really heating up. Let us pray that this does not get out of hand and that the north’s evil regime is peacefully swept aside in favor of liberty.
Click on the image or HERE for the story.

Related stories

US plans naval exercises with South Korea: Pentagon

Clinton: Koreas security situation 'precarious'

Two Koreas snarl at each other, tensions rise

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mojave Cross Stolen After Supreme Court Victory

Christianity is under assault; this is evidence of that.

The removal of this cross probably has much deeper motivations than simply “vandalism.” I think anyone who has followed this story would have a hard time thinking otherwise.

Click on HERE or on the image for the full story.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Zombies Above Us

Did you know that there are Zombies overhead at this very moment? Zombie Satellites that is; they call them “ZombieSats”. See the paragraph near the middle of the article. They’re dead but still moving about. Somebody could make a video game where we get to blow them out of the sky.  Seriously, we could call it, “Left ‘in Orbit’ 4 Dead.” We could call the sequel, “Debris Rain of the Dead.”

Click HERE or on the image for the full story.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

More Spying

The Brits, working with an American company, are working on a satellite that can track your “average” speed in your vehicle as go about you business.

If this kind of stuff does not scare you, you are too far gone.

Click HERE or on the image for the full story.

The Washington Monument

This is a wonderful article that explains why our government is completely out of touch with its people. The problem is not that they do not understand; it’s that they can not understand. The article explains why.  Listed below are two excerpts from the article:

“But perhaps the most unremarked thing about the Tea Parties is that they’re not calling for a repeal of the Constitution but for its enforcement. They are the complete opposite of what Clinton thinks they are; an affirmation, not a call to create “a different country” that Clinton congratulates himself in attaining.”

“Yet politicians can’t see it. For perfectly natural reasons they fall into the habit of thinking everyone is a supplicant.”

The author quotes from J.R. Tolkiens, “Lord of the Rings” to help one understand the power that "power itself" has over those who rule.

“For he is very wise, and weighs all things to a nicety in the scales of his malice. But the only measure that he knows is desire, desire for power; and so he judges all hearts. Into his heart the thought will not enter that any will refuse it, that having the Ring we may seek to destroy it. If we seek this, we shall put him out of reckoning.”

Click below for the full article

The Washington Monument

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

An Osprey Snagging a Trout

This is a great photo. Love this.

Click HERE or on the image for the source story.

One Small Step For A Man is Now A Giant Step Backward For Our Nation

Old Neil Armstrong and some the early astronauts speak out on Obama’s decision to nix the Constellation program. No Constellation means no way for us to get into orbit, which puts us stuck in the 60’s.

Click on the link below for the source story.

Armstrong: Obama hurting space - PATRICK GAVIN POLITICO CLICK

See a related story in my blog by clicking HERE

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"Then Lend the Eye a Terrible Aspect"

This is one great video. It is not my intention to glorify war or the warrior by this post. I wish to make this very clear at the outset. War is a scourge; it is sorrowful and wasteful. Strong steps should always be taken to avoid it, if at all possible. We would say this about anything that brings about suffering. Still, we can not avoid suffering entirely.

The video may sound gruesome but it illustrates the essential mindset of the warrior; it is necessary for the warrior to “lend the eye a terrible aspect” because warriors of a good a decent people are, by their nature, peace loving; this does not necessarily make them cowards though. Without this “aspect,” this “summoning of blood,” the warrior has no chance for survival or victory over evil because of his peaceful nature. Therefore, this summoning emerges not from lust but from love. Sad as it is, and condition of our fallen nature, we have to respect those who stand in the fire and fight to keep evil at bay. This is the point of this post and nothing more.  We Americans tend to be plain spoken and blunt. Nevertheless, I still see some of the classical ideas for summoning courage in this piece. I hear Shakespeare in this video. Here are just a few quick comparisons.

From The Warrior Song:
"I'm a one of kind....Stand with me, you'll never stand alone."
“come to the nightmare, come to me….the shadow of death is the one I cast.”
“aim with the hand, shoot with the mind, kill with a heart like arctic ice.”

From Shakespeare's Henry V:
"But we in it shall be remember'd;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,"

From Shakespeare's Julius Caesar:
"Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war!"

From Shakespeare's Henry V:
“In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
As modest stillness and humility:
But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger;
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage;
Then lend the eye a terrible aspect;”

Also, if you listen to the video carefully I think you can hear R. Lee Ermey singing one of the choruses.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Google Everything…And, I MEAN Everything

These are some very useful services offered by Google that you may or may not know about. You might find some of them interesting. I am never astonished enough when I consider the sheer volume of information now available at our fingertips. It is at the same time wonderful and frightening too. Like so many things of this nature, we should pause and reflect on the proper use of raw information. It brings to mind some thoughts and quotes from several great thinkers:

“Information is Not Knowledge.” -Albert Einstein
“Knowledge is Power (scientia potentia est.)” -Sir Francis Bacon from Meditationes Sacrae 1597
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." – Lord Acton.
“With enlightenment, comes mission.” – a lesson from the allegory of the cave in Plato’s “Republic.”
 "To whom much is given, much is expected.” - Luke 12:48

The source story can be read by clicking on the link below. One should read the article so you can learn, in more detail, on the capabilities and limitations of these services.

FOXNews.com - The Undiscovered Google: 7 Services You Need to Try

I have taken the liberty to list some of the links to these services below. Enjoy.

Google Books. An attempt to digitize vast tomes of books and magazines.
Fast Flip. An online news source and compiles currents news from multiple sources.
Life Images. Millions of images from Life Magazine and many other sources.
Goog 411. A free 411 service. Interesting.
Product Search. Formerly Froogle, search for millions of products, prices, comparisons, etc.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Gone Fishing....Nyet!

Another "What the Spank" salute for our current government.

The Obamunists are considering banning recreational fishing at sea shores and inland water ways, all done by government decree. Just when you thought you could take your kid fishing.
Click HERE for the full story.

"Do I hope that those people die screaming of rectal cancer? Yeah! - Sean Penn

Speaking Out on the First Amendment Issues…well sort of, Sean Penn believes journalists who call Hugo Chavez a "dictator" should be jailed.

This guy never ceases to surprise me with the level of intellectual dishonesty that his own ego will take him to. Put in jail, really? The incarceration statement erupted during an active week of interviews where he parlayed his powerful influence and asserted his own constitutionally protected right to speak his mind. But he had more to say about those who disagree with him and he used his constitutionally protected rights to express his own heart-felt sentiment. When he was solicited for a response on the fact that some people question his motivations in his Haitian humanitarian efforts, he cut loose with a curse of sorts. Here is a quote from him on his response to those who question his motives,

"Do I hope that those people die screaming of rectal cancer? Yeah. You know, but I'm not going to spend a lot of energy on it."

Thank God he is not going to spend any energy on wishing some of us rectal cancer. Whew, I feel so relieved. Still, it’s the thought that counts as they say. Wishing those who disagree with him a painful death? He considers himself a great humanitarian? Well, I pray that when his time comes (as it will for all of us) that he passes on peacefully and at a time when God chooses.

There was a time in my life that I really liked Sean Penn. Unfortunately he has turned into such a wing nut that I can only now feel pity for this man. I pray that he one day finds some level of balance and that he learns to leave his ego on the mantle with the rest of his acting achievements where it belongs. Maybe when he is able to achieve that, he will be a great humanitarian. God Bless.

Click HERE or on the image for the full story.

Monday, March 8, 2010

An Owl Swooping On Vole

This is a great series of pictures. I love this stuff. Take a look.

Click HERE for the images.

Tributes paid to 'selfless bravery' of World War II heroine Andree Peel, who has died aged 105

Least we forget people like this. 

Click HERE for the full story.

This is Not Your Cat’s Meow Mix

This is a legal substance being used as a drug by children in the UK. They call it, Meow, Meow. It’s a fertilizer that produces a high similar to ecstasy.

I post this as it could be an emerging trend. Please be aware and pass this around so we can protect our children.

Click HERE for the full story.

Window Smashes in Clayton/Concord Continues

Somebody knows something and needs to step forward to stop this stupidity that is giving so many decent people a lot of unnecessary heartache.

Click HERE for the full story.

Wash. man electrocuted by urinating on power line

Yikes!  You get in a wreck and are able to walk away from it.  Your car is now in a ditch so you call for help.  The whole expericnce leaves you a bit stressed and while waiting for help to arrive you understandably feel a need to relieve yourself.  So, you step over to the ditch and then....

Click on the link below for the full story if you don't believe me.

Wash. man electrocuted by urinating on power line

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Coming to American Shores Soon – The Thought Police

UK schools are now starting a data base to keep track of children who use language considered hateful or bullying.

Click HERE for the full story.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Teenager Busted: Blackmail, Sexting, Facebook

This is worthy of a “What the Spank” (WTS) salute. This is the story of male teenager using FB to blackmail other young boys into having sex with him. The leverage he used was generated from nude photos that were sexted to him by other boys while he masqueraded as a girl on Facebook.  Like all things, technology can be used for all sorts of evil.

One lesson here (and there are others) is that we need to consider technology as it is developed (or as it comes of the self) to ascertain if a legitimate need is driving it or is the technology actually creating the need. Plato taught us that "necessity is the mother of all invention."  However, today we seem to have lost this bit of wisdom.  Too often we create new needs from technology that was developed for one reason or simply created because it could be made. In other words, invention becomes the mother of necessity.

Mondo Bizzaro!

Click HERE for the full story.

LA Sheriff Tells His Troops to be MORE Careful

There seems to be some disagreement over the good Sheriff’s intention and how that will translate into effectiveness.

I agree with the Sheriff to a point. Nevertheless, being a cop is not a life that lends itself to caution. We need to be really honest about that. As a retired police officer I can attest to this from personal experience. There were times that I was too cautious and sometimes regrettable consequences followed. There were times that I foolishly threw caution to the wind and ended up coming out of it ok (probably by the grace of God in some instances and dumb luck in others.) I lost a friend and fellow officer when he was ambushed while conducting routine search. I will always feel the pain of that loss.

Watch Your Language!

The California Legislature has passed a resolution for a cuss free week.

This story draws a "What the Spank" salute.

The absurdity of this is difficult to fathom. As if we don’t have enough to worry about, the government is going to tell us how we should speak. Yes, I know that in this case, it’s only a suggestion. Now, I do not disagree that civil discourse should be expected. But, our California legislature has too much to worry about than to get involved in this effort. Don’t we have a huge deficit to contend with among many other pressing and critical issues? I wonder how much this public awareness campaign is costing the tax payers?

Again, I sound alarm behind this type of governmental intrusion in our lives for this reason:

What is today a suggestion or an awareness campaign becomes tomorrow’s regulations.

This is the nature of unchecked government. It can not control it because it justifies its sense of importance and control. This is the nature of the governmental beast. The beast is necessary; but  we must keep it on a short leash, lean, working for us, and trained to stay out of our way. A recent CNN poll bears out this belief that our government is growing much too powerful.

Stay out of our lives! The government has no business telling us how to speak and think. My mother and father taught me what acceptable language is, and what is not. Now, anyone who knows me is aware I am not a saint in this area. I have been known to use a colorful metaphor from time to time. However, true improvement or reform is best, true, and permanent when it comes from the free will, not from coercion. And while I do not disagree with the notion of self control (cussing,) it is not the government’s role in our lives.

Click HERE for the full story.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

New Space Engines May Trade Fuel For Photons

This looks cool.

New Space Engines May Trade Fuel For Photons

Sheriff's detective killed in Fresno Co. shooting - Afternoon's top stories - fresnobee.com

Please offer prayers for this officer, his family, for the recovery of the injured officer and all those involved.

I am asking you to also to keep men and women who serve our communities in your thoughts and prayers everyday.

Thank you and may God bless you,

Sheriff's detective killed in Fresno Co. shooting - Afternoon's top stories - fresnobee.com

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Creativity, Imagination, and Deception

Using the technique of “futuring” one would have to recognize how this type of technology can be misused to deceive. Fantastic and wonderful on many levels but like most things, we must be guarded and stay educated as to its uses.

Remember when movies were made on location.

A really cool video that let’s us see how movies are being made now.

Source, Patrick Madrid's Blog

You Can't Get It Here..

Canadian Premier goes to the US for medical treatment he can’t get in his own country due to their socialized medicine scheme.  He is quoted speaking like a true politician:

"I did not sign away my right to get the best possible health care for myself when I entered politics."

You have to love it.

Click HERE for the full story.

Shop of Horrors

The casualties continue to mount.

This is the horrific story, babies found in the freezer of an abortion doctor under investigation for the death of a patient.

Click HERE for the full story.

Iran to 'hide nuclear plants inside mountains'

It just does not seem to stop.  The build up continues.  Pray for an end to the madness.

Click HERE for the full story.

Climategate Meets the Law

This sounds interesting. We shall see if it actually goes anywhere. 

Climategate Meets the Law: Senator Inhofe to Ask for DOJ Investigation (Pajamas Media/PJTV Exclusive)

Monday, February 22, 2010

City of Clayton Stands Up to Abuse of Power

I first read about this in the Clayton Pioneer, our local paper. The publisher of the paper, Tamara Steiner, wrote an excellent editorial on this abuse of power by Thomas Peele, a Contra Costa Times investigative journalist. Refer to page 4 of the Clayton Pioneer 2-19-10. Another opinion article appeared in the Contra Costa Times that heralds the same alarm.

To be honest, I applaud Mr. Peele’s interest in keeping an eye on public expenditures, out tax dollars at work. Government is here to work for us and should be viewed something we need to keep lean and honest; it belongs to us after all. It should serve us while at the same time, stay out of our way.

Nevertheless, this is typical of the arrogance that we see with many of the folks who pursue a career in journalism.

Boozy Textbook Image of Jesus Christ Appears

Our Lord, tossing back a cool one.  This is just plain bizarre.  One really needs to wonder what is going on here.  Click on the link below for the full story:

Police Search for Publisher Behind Boozy Textbook Image of Jesus Christ - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

Posted using ShareThis

Rising Sea Levels? Not So Fast…

Don’t go out purchasing any new beachfront property just yet. This would seem to be a day for global warming stories. It seems that there are some problems with estimates concerning rising sea levels. In fact, the problems with the analysis are so severe that the entire conclusion had to be retracted. Two relevant quotes are listed below:

"We no longer have confidence in our projections for the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, and for this reason the authors retract the results pertaining to sea-level rise after 1900."

“A formal retraction was required, rather than a correction, because the errors undermined the study's conclusion.”

For the full story click on the image or HERE

Two more related stories follow this blog entry.

Global Warming Skeptics' Trifecta - HUMAN EVENTS

Another related article:

Global Warming Skeptics' Trifecta - HUMAN EVENTS

American Journalists MIA on Global Warming

Our media, no way!

Click on the link below for the full story:

American Journalists MIA on Global Warming

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Palin Speaks Up For Her Boy

As parent of a child with disabilities, I can certainly attest to the rage and sadness I feel over this kind of conduct. Let’s pray that people can learn to love a whole lot better than this.  Those with developmental disabilities have the gift of simplicity; they deserve our respect, tolerance, and love.   

Click HERE or on the image for the full story.

Doctors back 'right to die'

Here we go with this in Canada. Let's pray that we have more sense and for the people of Canada so they can rectify this immoral act.

Doctors back 'right to die'

Monday, February 15, 2010

Is it chilly outside or is it just me?

Global Warming, er uh, I mean cooling. No, its climate changes. Yeah, that's it! When are we going to grow a brain? Sad thing is, I doubt anyone will notice this hoax. Too many people have too much invested in this fraud emotionally, intellectually and economically.


"Professor Jones also conceded the possibility that the world was warmer in medieval times than now – suggesting global warming may not be a man-made phenomenon. And he said that for the past 15 years there has been no ‘statistically significant’ warming."

Click on the link below for the full article.

Climategate U-turn: Astonishment as scientist at centre of global warming email row admits data not well organised Mail Online

“Will you sing me a lullaby before I go?”

A must read.  Found this at Patrick Madrid's Blog

Dear Mom and Dad, I want you to know

My young heart is beating, my eyes fill with tears,
I pray that your love will conquer your fears.
God knit me here, you are my lifeline,
Will you sing to me, sweet Mother of Mine?

On Mercy by Fr. Paul

Excerpt: “How many will be saved,” and he gave them a frankly terrifying answer, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (Mt 7:13-14). For this reason, and the parallels to this passage found in the synoptics, saints and theologians have repeated through the centuries that the number of men who are saved will be fewer, in the end, to those who will be damned.

Another fine piece by Fr. Paul Ward

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Having Fun with Duct Tape - Can you say Triboluminescence?

At first, I did not think this was for real. "Tribo what?"....But, I had to give it a try. It actually works. My light was white however. It must have something to do with the particular brand of duct tape, which was "Advo" brand duct tape in my case.  The guy in the video used "Duck" brand duct tape; his light was blue.

Don't be shy; I know you want to try it. Get a piece of duct tape, find a very dark room and rip away. Good for hours of fun and it could be better that popping bubble wrap. Well, maybe not.

The following is a quote I lifted from the You Tube page that describes the phenomenon known as triboluminescence.

"Separating pieces of duct tape will cause them to produce a blue line of light in an effect called triboluminescence. What's happening is that the action of pulling apart the glue causes charge separation in the two strips. The charges then attempt to recombine and collide with nearby molecules (of tape, glue, or air) exciting them and releasing light."

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Open Carry Draws Snide Remark from East Palo Alto Cop

More on the continuing saga over open carry.  This officer makes some comment on Facebook that he would like to see open carry advocates shot with a M-4 patrol rifle.  This way, he could get two weeks off on paid leave. 

Click HERE for the full Story.

Also, see these links for related stories in this blog.

Open Carry  1-26-10

Starbucks Open Carry Decision 2-7-10

Open Carry in Walnut Creek 2-7-10

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Did you know we just spent 50M for an island we can't visit?

I think I'm gonna hurl.

Tracking Your Taxes: Park Pork? « Liveshots

EMP – Don't Be Shocked

First off, EMP is an abbreviation for “Electro Magnetic Pulse.” It is a phenomenon that occurs when a nuclear devise is detonated high in the atmosphere. The resulting damage is not what you might think. It basically fries unprotected electronic devises. This is not a new piece of information but it is something to think about considering our strong dependence on our beloved electronic gadgets. Moreover, it’s not just that dependence at an individual level that we should be concerned with. It might be an inconvenience but we could get by without our cell phones or GPS devices. What is of deeper concern, however, is how dependent we are on an infrastructure that IS dependent on our modern digital age. This article is a bit long; but not too long to make you think about being prepared. And, I am not talking “Boy Scout” prepared either.

Click HERE for the full story. onesecondafter.com - What is EMP?

Patrick Madrid also has some interesting comments on the matter as well.  Click HERE.

Also, remember that Iran, just yesterday, said they were going to deliver a surprise punch to the west on this Thursday February 11, 2010. Click HERE for that story.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Portending the Loss of Common Sense and Liberty - The Green Police

I understand that many find this funny; in some superficial sense it is. This video actually gives me the willies; it is fraught with portend. While the style is humorous, the content is sinister. This is another example of how style and substance can be misconstrued resulting in a message that can be used to deceive. Are we being subtly desensitized into accepting an Orwellian existence?

Unfortunately, there are many among us that would like to see this type of intrusion in our lives or at least would turn a blind eye to it. I can agree with taking a reasonable approach to keeping our environment clean and safe. However, outside of an act committed with the intent to harm the environment or some gross act of negligence, all action must come from free will. Using the force of law for such petty concerns is draconian. It is just another example of how the Marxist has no faith in the human being.

We actually have the pre-cursor to this type of governmental intrusion in our lives right here in the SF Bay Area. Did anyone notice that we could not use our fireplaces this past Thanksgiving and Christmas because it just happened to be a spare the air day? (I prefer the term “scare the air.”) What a coincidence. Common sense would dictate that those days should be exceptional due to the traditions surrounding these events. There are actually people driving around looking for smoking chimneys ready to issue a citation. What is worse, they have neighbors ready to call and turn us in!


Iran anniversary 'punch' will stun West: Khamenei

Where will you be this Thursday when the punch is delivered?

Click on the link below for the full threat.

Iran anniversary 'punch' will stun West: Khamenei

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Open Carry in Walnut Creek

Click on the image for the full story.

This story is related to two other stories on my blog.  See the following links:

Open Carry in Starbucks

Starbuck's Open Carry Decision

Starbucks Decision on Open Carry

Starbucks has come out with a rational and reasonable decision by allowing law abiding citizens to patronize their establishments. The short version of their decision is this, what local laws permit or prohibit that is what we follow, an excellent example of the principle of subsidiarity in action.

This story is a follow up to a story I posted on my blog on 1-26-10 . See the following link.

Jaycee Dugard Fund

This story is not so much about where this woman is now living but about how we can all provide some financial assistance to her and her children. According to this story, her publicity does not necessarily bring in a great deal of money. It’s worth a read and if you’re so inclined, to render some aide to this victim and her family.

Click here or on the image for the story.

Antioch Man Sued for Doing His Duty as a Citizen

This definitely worthy of a “What the Spank” (WTS) salute. Imagine seeing a violent crime being committed. You call the police and report it. Several months later, you are served with a summons to appear in court because you are being sued for making a false police report.

Click here for the full story.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

BRAVO ROMEO OSCAR OSCAR MIKE 666 You are cleared for take off…

I know this is not new with our military, but this deserves a "What The Spank?" (WTS) salute. I know our founding fathers probably could not imagine an Air Force as being part of our defense but I doubt they would consider this rational or sane.

Please forgive me for the BROOM pun.

Click HERE or on the image for the full story.

Take a Bow...

I know this has been around quite a bit. I just could not resist. Is there anybody our President will not bow down to. Now the mayor of Tampa, FL.

What is even more weird, does she look smug about the experience or is it just me?

An Abortion Reality TV Show

In this reality TV show, the audience decides whether the participants get an abortion or not. In some sense, the pro-life creators of this show are trying to raise awareness. I must agree with the author of this article, Kathleen Parker, who sums up this refuse very succinctly, “You can’t get there from here.”

Click HERE for the full article

Heard of the Grim Reaper? Meet the Grim Kitty.

Here is a Cat That Can Predict Death

Monday, February 1, 2010

Resident Evil –Portal to Misology

Should Mt. Diablo be re-named?

There is small and inane debate popping up over whether Mt. Diablo should be re-named Mt. Reagan after the former President Ronald Reagan. The concern over re-naming the mountain originates from a local resident who believes we should not have a mountain named after the devil, Satan.

Iran Cracks Down…Again

Ahmadinejad… “The nation will deliver a harsh blow to "global arrogance" on February 11.”

Yes. His harsh blow is to his own people by crushing freedom of speech and destroying all dissent. This poor nation. Pray for them.

Click Here  for the full story

HIV/AIDS Puzzle Cracked

Interesting.  I admire the hard work and patience of these folks.  It is truly amazing what we can do to relieve pain and suffering when we set our minds to it. 

Click Here for the full story

Patriot Missile Batteries to the Gulf

“The move is a continuation of the military build-up begun under former president George W Bush.”

Click Here or on the image for the full story

Voodoo Being Discriminated Against in Haiti

Click Here for the full story

How to Stop Sudden Unintended Acceleration

How to Stop Sudden Unintended Acceleration

This is common sense. However, since many of us drive Toyotas, (and lets face it, this could happen in any number of cars) it’s not a bad idea to bring yourself up to speed on this emergency procedure.

Click on the image or link above for the full story.

Friday, January 29, 2010

How The Networks Put Together a News Story

If you love Monte Python type humor you will love this. If you do not, you will still love it. Either way, it rings with truth.

This is great example how “so-called” truth is often communicated to us via style. Style is not substance. Style is distant to truth in that it plays on emotions and memories. It can be used to deceive. By comparison, style is like the music to the lyrics. Music can sound great, pleasing, and arousing; it can invoke anger or inspire. But it does so through the emotions, not the intellect. The music can be contradictory to the lyrics.

Substance on the other hand can be parsed, examined, dissected, tested, and debated by the intellect. The content, or lyrics in keeping with the song metaphor, can tell a great deal, if not the most important aspects, of the message.

Style is meant to accompany and compliment the substance or content. However, the content is the “meat” of the act. Sadly, today we are so easily sold on style and style is then used as the means to truth (and let’s not forget that the means are everything.)

By its very nature, style can not do what substance does. If it did, one would be able to tell what is on a man’s mind by looking at his hat.

The Wolf Moon

This is Cool.  Go out and enjoy if she is visible tonight!

See the whole story by clicking Here

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Immorality of Suspicion by Fr. Paul

Another terrific article by Fr. Paul.  A must read.

Editorial (01/27/10)

The Immorality of Suspicion

The amount of damage done to souls, to priests, to parishes, to apostolates because of loose tongues is impossible for any human mind to calculate. One of the components of uncharitable speech is, very often, suspicion. Perhaps the suspicions arise from pride, or insecurities, or whatever, but we’ll leave that aside and in this week’s article, we shall focus on the question of suspicion itself.

Atheist Group Blasts Postal Service for Mother Teresa Stamp - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Read here for the "Darker Side" of Mother Teresa.  I don't know whether to laugh or cry. 
Atheist Group Blasts Postal Service for Mother Teresa Stamp - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

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White House insiders say Obama budget axes Constellation program, plan to return astronauts to the moon - OrlandoSentinel.com

I know we are in the middle of a recession and money is tight. However, slow the program down but don't completely shut it down. This makes no sense and speaks to the hypocrisy of this President. On one hand he speaks about creating jobs (albeit he wants more government jobs and that is another matter, wait…isn’t NASA of government institution? anyway…,) then he wants to cut a program that creates many well paying jobs plus the top drawer benefits that will come from exploration and development.      
White House insiders say Obama budget axes Constellation program, plan to return astronauts to the moon - OrlandoSentinel.com

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The JackAss Calendar

I love this calendar.  Check out all the months.  My favorite is April.

The JackAss Calendar

Feline or Canine Anyone?

I’m a little hungry. What’s for dinner anyway? Here kitty..kitty…

Click on the image or this link for the story

Univ. of Florida Awaits Tim Tebow Ad - Campus Chatter

Univ. of Florida Awaits Tim Tebow Ad - Campus Chatter

A Man of Courage. Hope he survives this.

Man Found with Lizard(s) in His Pants

This story…I’d better not say what’s on mine mind. One can think of many puns but I won’t do it.

Click on the image or this link for the story

Open Carry

I have a great deal to say on this.  Unfortunately, my time is short at this moment.  I posted it anyway.  Perhaps, I can get back to it at a later time and write a piece on it.  Interesting issue. 
Click here or on the image for the article

Monday, January 25, 2010

Moral Relativism at Work.... on the Highway

WHAT THE SPANK?!!! Once again, the common sense test is failed by, this time, The State of Colorado and our judicial system. OK, so the Nazi party in Colorado can have a stretch of road adopted by them. Maybe it’s the timing of this story that has set me off. No, it’s not the timing. Its just plain stupid and wrong.

Timing wise, I find this particularly disturbing because two days from today, January 27, 2010, is the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. On the radio this morning, I heard the story told by a, now 90 year old, Debbie Sessler a Jewish-Dutch woman who, with her sister, managed to survive the Holocaust. It was a long, painful, and horror filled story. She and her sister were at Auschwitz toward the end of their 4 year long ordeal, on their death beds from illness and starvation, when another prisoner came to them one day and said, “They are gone,” referring the Nazi’s. Several days later they were liberated by Soviet forces. Her story tore my heart out. She lost her father to the Nazi’s and had to survive on her own all while protecting her younger sister, keeping her alive, a seemly insurmountable task for a 10 year old girl.

What happened to millions under Nazi rule is unthinkable. But, this ideology is what brought the unthinkable to us.  They are NOT gone.  What's worse is that they are held in the same regard as the Kiwanis or the Rotary Club.          

I wonder what would happen if a local Catholic Parish wanted to adopt a highway? Forgive me. Perhaps it has been done already. I sense, however, it being the main topic of a very contentious 6:00 PM news story. This is another example of how amoral our society has become, another example of moral relativism slithering into our lives.  Moral relativism is the unthinking path to the unthinkable. 

Click here or on the image for the full story.

What Does All This Mean?

Yes, well you need to watch this video clip. It calls into question some of what we are doing as humans, our direction, but most importantly, how this defines our “being.” Are we sentient beings or more like a fungus? If we do not slow down and take a look at what we are doing, how we are doing it, and why, we may be more like a fungus. As children made in the image of pure love and perfection, I think we can do better, harness our creativity and potential toward a well conceived end but with well conceived means. Because the means really are everything.

Click here or on the image for the video clip.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Faith, Regrets, and Life

This was posted on Facebook; it rings with truth.

Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it. Post to your wall if you agree!

I would frame it a little differently:

It is only through our Lord and Savior’s sacrifice that we have the path open to us for redemption. And, through redemption the banishment of all regrets. Our free will aligned with His will, that is the challenge. With that challenge, the uphill battle toward true freedom, the tough life at times. But, that end, worth it for all eternity.

Blessing to all.

You want a glimpse of the future? Police spying on us from above.

I find this most disturbing. The UK has gone over the Orwellian edge. As a retired police officer,

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Wearable Robot Technology

From our friends at LM. This is utterly fantastic! Yes, the military applications are there. This is at the conceptual stage in some sense. However, this technology can be applied to industrial settings as well as used by persons who have physical disabilities like back or leg problems. It obviously needs to be adapted but this is really good stuff. Once this technology has been refined and miniaturized, try to imagine the potential! This is worth taking a look at.

Click here for the video

Scientologists 'heal' Haiti quake victims using touch

Being a powerful and wealthy nation has its benefits. I wish being able to afford to be nuts were not one of them. These poor people need food, shelter, and medicine coupled with medical science, not America’s version of Voodoo.
Click on the link below for the full comedy.

Scientologists 'heal' Haiti quake victims using touch

Friday, January 22, 2010

Terrorist threat level raised to 'severe' - Times Online

Something is going on. Britain just upped their threat level. Let's pray someone does not get clobbered any time soon.

Terrorist threat level raised to 'severe' - Times Online


I really liked this article by Father Paul Ward. It is worth a read and reflection.

Editorial (1/14/10)


That is neither a real name nor a real word, but an expression I coined to convey “commercial Catholicism,” or even “consumer Catholicism.” Not only in America, but in many other places as well, the Catholic Church has largely gone the way of pop culture. That is, it became an object of the market.

Hamsters Beware

…Mamas don’t let your babies grow up to be…HAMSTER KILLERS!!

This article certainly lends credence to the argument that in order to be a parent, there ought to be a test or license or something. What do you think?

Police Say Georgia Mom Forced Son to Kill Hamster - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

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Passing a Stone

This gives new meaning to passing a stone while at the Doctor's office.

FOXNews.com - Meteorite Crashes Through Virginia Doctor's Office

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I know this has been around for some time.  It's still fun to take a look at it once in a while.  Move your mouse over the EYE to get the effect.

Click on this to see the EYE!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Trouble in Paradise.

This is a very good article and should give us something to think about. Please take the time to read it. It's about cruise ships keeping their obligations to bring vacationers to Haiti despite what has occurred. It's proof that common sense is not so common.

Click below for the article

Trouble in Paradise.

Yikes! This has got to hurt

Man bites off cop's nipple.  This is a good argument for wearing body armor I suppose.  But he was off duty after all. Still, I can here the talk around the locker room after this one. 

Click here for the full story

Friday, January 15, 2010

If ever I encountered a lion doing this on a hike, I’d be worried.

Check out this bad beauty. What’s with the wink anyway?

PACT WITH GAIA | Daily Telegraph Tim Blair Blog

Actor Danny Glover, now an expert on seismology and plate tectonics, is telling us that climate change is responsible for the Haitian quake. To make matters worse, he gives to planet earth (that’s this wonderful chuck of rock we live on) the status of a supernatural sentient being; in other words, planet earth is a God, not a creation. This God, Gaia, is pouring force its wrath upon us for our failure at the Copenhagen summit by zapping poor Haiti. What the Spank? If Gaia were to be truly retributive, she would have zapped Rush Limbaugh’s home in south Florida. Guess she missed by a few hundred miles. If you follow his reasoning, earthquakes should never happen in Hollywood (Los Angeles) or San Francisco were many of her worshipers live and breathe. By the way, when they breathe, they do not exhale CO2.

Click on the link below for the story and video.

PACT WITH GAIA Daily Telegraph Tim Blair Blog

Cocaine mang...At NASA

Now this is what you call a High - High

Click here for the full article

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Early Alzheimers Test

This test could detect Alzheimers 20 years early.  What then?  Click here for the full story.

Sometimes when your prayers are answered it comes in the most unlikely package

The U.S. Military is Mobilized for Haiti 

New York embraces California's unwanted Chihuahuas

New York embraces California's unwanted Chihuahuas

East Boston cat called to jury duty

East Boston cat called to jury duty

Moon Speck

I stepped out and saw it, the gibbous waning moon suspended high over the western horizon. And, I was drawn to it. In the mid-morning sunlight, in a bright blue dome of exalted space, it was fixed there, as though it knew its place and I did not. It looked right at me with its dead stare of life, like an old friend of years, but one you see less and less of over time even though you live in the same town. My sad old friend the moon, we had some times. We still do, don’t we old friend.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Haiti Archbishop Killed in Quake as Churches, Cathedral Reduced to Rubble - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

Haiti Archbishop Killed in Quake as Churches, Cathedral Reduced to Rubble - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

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The Avatar Challenge: Can We Separate Style From Content?

I have been wondering about this movie for some time now. Admittedly, I have not seen it. I will confess this right up front. Simply looking at the previews made me recoil a bit though, giving me reason to consider waiting until it comes out on DVD.

So much of what Hollywood puts out is part of a bigger agenda. Friends of mine who have seen it said it scored high on the “wow” factor. When I asked them if it seemed anti-American, their response was fairly universal: “Yes, I guess it is, when you think about it.” I guess they were not thinking when they paid good money to be “wowed” with the latest special effects, all the while being seduced with subliminal messages designed to tear down all that we cherish as good.

Then, I stumbled across this article that gives another angle critical of the movie in a way that is perhaps even more disturbing. It is a subliminal message that erodes and degrades the human being as a unique creation. I am fond of many of James Cameron’s works. I am sure this one rates high on entertainment value through its use of the latest and powerful effects technology. My deepest concern is whether most can “separate style from content” in a critical way. I like a good chocolate bar once in a while, but you can not live on it; it nourishes neither the body nor the soul.

Clikc here for the complete story:  Vatican Says Avatar No Masterpiece