Warning: This blog is under the influence of the Holy Spirit. (That's actually a blessing of course. I'm just trying to be fair to the skeptics.)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Raised In Your Shadow

Raised in your shadow, you are the boney earth on display
My soul or yours – O’ Diablo
You hold the ancient sea at your peaks
And the new earth at your feet
You are the convergence of time and earthly spirit
Weep for those that do not see, or hear it

I am but a creature, of special nature to be sure
But not a mountain such as you, so pure
My life bound with you by birth and will
I can not grasp what you hold for me still

Something I seek or something I know?
Only on your peaks, a cold wind’s chill or bursting sky
That I must go.

I gaze upon your physique, tread upon your paths o steep
Out of breath, sweating, wondering what will come to me
Or, what I will discover…that I knew, reunited
Yes, is it me, or you that I must know?

Of crows and turkey vultures
Of bobcats and bunnies
Of toyon and poison oak
Of sage and wild grapes
Of raccoons and rattlesnakes

Hawks nesting on heights above the falls
The sound of the coyote calls
The smell of juniper at times
These, the transient dreams, your spirit and mine
The personalized myth communed
Our common adventure
Substantiated together

We, created by our Lord
You are my journey, set before me by Him
So I will climb and listen
Labor and be silent
Pray for wisdom, learn the lesson
It is why we are here, you and I

You by birth
Me, by shared will

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